
Tom Stone – Constant Change Access Instantly!


Lecture notes for the experimental show Mystique and its ensemble Tom Stone, Leif Olberius, Martin Hansson & John-Henry Larsson.
Contain 4 full ensemble routines, a quick intermission piece and a propmaking tip.
16 pages, 88 illustrations

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mystique is a non-profit project by Tom Stone, Leif Olberius, John-Henry Larsson and Martin Hansson. Each month, the ensemble create a new show in two acts, always with new material created from scratch. Nothing is recycled from month to month.

The group’s intention is to see what happens when they are forced to push themselves out to uncharted territory.

In October 2019, the group made their very first lecture. This is the lecture notes.

It contain 4 full ensemble routines, a quick intermission piece and a propmaking tip:

  • The Letter – A piece about circular reasoning and the inevitability of darkness.
  • Sign of Silk – On the problems of making a silk disappear.
  • Callmark – The magician and a spectator call a friend each, who strangely can name cards that no one have seen.
  • Hotglue Prototyping – A tip on how to use a hotglue gun as a make-shift 3D-printer
  • Paper Strife – Two magicians tear napkins into quarters. One of them manages to magic the pieces into a hat, while the the other magician’s pieces gradually restores.
  • Glass to Bottle – A lightning fast intermission piece. The magician comes in with an empty glass, but have no bottle. He turns around 360° while searching for a bottle, and find that he suddenly holds a bottle… but now he have no glass and have to exit.

16 pages, 88 illustrations

The Letter: