
Christopher T. Magician – Just for Fun (official PDF) Access Instantly!


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Just for Fun is a treasure trove of new plots to entertain children and their families. Author Christopher T. Magician takes his inspiration from classic close-up and parlor magic for grown-up audiences. Then he adapts the material for family shows. The result is over 300 pages of new tricks – all performed with props you already own, can make, or can buy real cheap at local retailers. Best of all, no power tools are required!

Before you’ve even finished reading it, you’ll be performing tricks you’ve made yourself using a glue gun, tape, spray adhesive, and photo paper along with lots of fun, novel items itemized in the chapter section below. You’ll learn nearly 40 routines, complete with script, handling and theory so your young audiences will be completely captivated one moment, and screaming in hysterics the next!

Here’s what’s inside each chapter:

  • OPEN SAYS ME – Five great routines, any of which could open your show. One of them doesn’t even use props! Others use a growing name tag, jumbo cards with eyeballs printed on them, silks, wands, eggs and money.
  • STUNG! – Seven highly interactive routines with “sucker moments” use strips of paper, plastic mirrors, pictures of monkeys, mustard and ketchup bottles, jump rope, and the Rabbit/Duck illusion (with a hilarious, surprising finale) to thoroughly entertain.
  • GOT YOUR  BACK – Chris’ approach to making props vanish, only to be found stuck to your back, is detailed in five tricks using traditional and original props including a tiny Teddy Bear, Cooties, and a box of Oreo cookies.
  • ACCESSORIES MAKE THE OUTFIT: Chris has eight great ideas to help you get the laughs with slap bracelets, wooden spoons, a plunger, and boomerangs. At AmazeKids, our favorite is how he makes a Breakaway Microphone with stuff you probably have at home.
  • HELP! I NEED SOMEBODY – Chris spells out his philosophy on how to use onstage helpers. Then you’ll be introduced to six audience participation routines that use kids along with crazy props like plastic ice cubes, gum, cheese, a money printer (used in a totally original way), a lollipop, fake mustaches and a Pringles Can (without a spring snake!)
  • QUIET, NOT RIOT – This is Chris’ collection of four routines that keeps kids quiet and engaged with his scripted story and presentation. You’ll find minimal audience participation here, but beautiful performance pieces with a magical rose, slices of cheese, a shiny toy trophy, and a volcano.
  • HELP! I NEED MULTIPLE BODIES – This chapter features seven tricks that use more than one helper. A two-headed stuffed animal, a feather duster, a boxing nun puppet, a set of chattering teeth and a fake ice cream cone are just some of the props that you’ll be reading about in these routines that play big.
  • NOT-SO-TRICKY MAGIC – These seven routines use props to create moments that aren’t magical, but still get a huge amount of oohs and aahs from children. Learn what Chris does with a pair of cheap gloves, a whoopee cushion, a robotic goldfish, an ice cream carton and a table lamp that is anything but ordinary!

Christopher Barnes is a studied actor and playwright. He’s a graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and a veteran children’s performer. Before moving to Los Angeles, he was one of the premier kids show magicians in the greater New York City area. When you use Christopher’s philosophy and approach for entertaining kids, you’ll take pride in your self-made props as you perform some hilarious new routines, and build a family show that’s Just for Fun.

Even if you’re not a “kid show magician” there’s enough great, creative, original stuff in Chris’ new book to make you happy. And if you ARE a magician who specializes in children’s shows, then you’re gonna be REALLY happy. It’s obvious from reading this book that these are bits and routines he’s done hundreds of times.Mac King

After devouring his new book, “Just For Fun,” it’s quite evident that Christopher Barnes is a real-world worker in the kid-show arena. He has taken numerous plots, routines and ideas from his predecessors (Frances Marshall, David Ginn, Edwin Hooper, Sammy Smith, Mike Bent, Silly Billy and others), and given these routines and props a major, and much needed, modern makeover. I’ve already found two routines that will fit my own shows. He teaches you how to build the necessary props, without the need for a master workshop. If you do kid shows (…and we KNOW that you DO!), GET THIS BOOK! I guarantee it will become an often referred-to selection, in your own working library. David Oliver

It has become cliché to say that one good idea is worth the price of a book, but if that’s true then “Just For Fun” is worth many times its cost! I found myself shaking my head and laughing out loud at the inventiveness and originality of some of the quirky plots presented here. […] I consider it a tremendously valuable addition to my magical library and I would unreservedly recommend it to anyone involved in or interested in entertaining children.John “Kimmo” Kimmons

Christopher T.’s thinking and originality continues to wow me! His first book “Beyond ‘Look Don’t See'” is a masterwork workbook, and I consider “Just For Fun” his triumphant Part 2. Warning! Spending time with this book could result in a treasure trove of ideas for your shows! … Keep it in easy reach for constant inspiration. Mark Daniel, KIDabra

Wow! What a book! Chris continues to outdo himself. It’s chock-full of great, real-world routines that happen to be amazing, entertaining sure-fire hits! I can’t recommend this enough, it needs to be in every kids entertainer’s library. Mike Bent