
Tony Jackson – The Phantom Rose (Instant Download)


A jaw-dropping miracle! Blow minds and win hearts…

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A green silk is displayed on both sides and hands are shown empty…suddenly a PERFECT silk rosebud materializes atop the green silk.
Then, it instantaneously transforms into a REAL rosebud, which can be given away to your favorite crush.
This has been in my working catalogue for many years and I am proud to now release it to the public. Easy to perform , highly-visual, and hard-hitting, this is next -generation parlor magic.
It’s excellent for both close-up and the stage; perfect for stroll around or manipulation acts.
You will need any 2 silks of contrasting color, preferably green and red…if you dont have some lying around, you can purchase them here on Penguin.
Get ready to blow minds and win hearts!