A mind reader’s guide for making an innocent looking pad of paper, which will allow you to secretly gain information from anyone.
The Scanner is one of the most innocent impression devices/pads you will ever come across.
*It is perfect for real time and pre-show.
*The reset takes about 5 seconds.
*It uses an ordinary pen/pencil.
*It is very low tech and costs next to nothing to make.
This new edition contains two bonus effects and several gems by Peter Turner and Luke Jermaypreviously only available at Jose Prager’s limited edition book Goat’s Grimoire.
Bonus effects included:
“Mind Flight” (Luke Jermay)
Spectators embark on a strange and remarkable journey inside their very own minds…but they’re not alone: you’re right there alongside them for the ride. Absolutely chilling.
“Psychological Jar” (Peter Turner)
You ask an audience member to think of a random word — any word — and instruct her to change her mind several times. She confirms that nothing is written down and that the word exists only in her mind. Then, impossibly, you reveal the very word she was merely thinking of! Pure mind reading at its very best.
“The Scanner is an easy to make impression pad that looks very innocent while holding a devious secret. This is a DIY impression device that can be easily made with two simple items found in any stationery store. I’m sure many will include this idea into their arsenals.” – Greg Arce
“Jose has discovered a method for an impression device that is very deceptive and almost impossible to detect. It is a useful alternative that some may find suits them better than the existing methods, including my own. I recommend giving it a try.” – Thom Bleasdale creator of Tommy Pad
“Jose’s Scanner is a wonderful and clever pad that I know many performers will be using! It’s very easy to make and completely deceptive, perfect for surrounded real time and pre-show peeks. Another winner from Mr. Prager” – Maurcio Jaramillo
“Another winner from the devious mind of Jose Prager!” – Tom Mohan